Friday, April 28, 2017


My Days 

My days oh how they shine 
ever bright like the edge 
of a katana

Oh my mind how it burns 
as if 
under eternal rain

How my breath whispers 
secrets to the world

And my feet 
How they yearn to be freed
beneath me

but my heart 
oh my heart ....
how can it be?

My strong heart it beats 
like the sine of a wave
ever crashing

How my wisdom 
Silences and constructs 
under mercy

But most of all
Oh how my ambition
How it greets me

It greets me like my love
The Sun 

Blinding my senses 
Bringing me tears 

Whisking me away under a bath of warmth 
Transporting me to a heaven
That I only wish to bring upon this world



Birds fly by
in this forsaken land 
ive grown to trust 

A light shimmers 
under a moon
I once knew

For the faces 
that pass by in drovels
 are deserted

And unknown
My body a gift 
my mind 

a martyr 
A charter 
Higher art 

I sought farther
then my father
but lower

than my brother 
my friend 
lost in this foreign land

Whose life is forsaken
to be taken
and dismissed

While I live in infamy
And walk away
in treachery

Or her 
the little girl 
standing at the little house on the mountain 

Her pale blue eyes
Igniting me away
Like a roaring engine

So how am I forgotten? 
How am I truly forsaken? 
When I have a hopes

To have my voice ring and cry
my words shake and thunder

to be brought asunder

Is nigh impossible.